11 Nov 2006 Saturday

Andrew and I have to get busy today.  We have lots to do before we headout back east for the holidays.  We took some things to our shed and pickedup our backpacking gear.  We had to pack and clean out our refrigerator adfreezer and prepare the trailer to be gone for two months.  Mark came byand helped us winterize the trailer’s water lines.  Chris and Cheriestopped by and helped us clean out the freezer by eating the rest of the icecream.  It’s a tough job, but they made the sacrifice!  Andrew and Ileft shortly after lunch and headed to Edwards. We are picking up our suitcasesthere and dropping off some stuff we don’t want left in the trailer tofreeze.  We’ve heard that December temperatures can reach well belowzero.  We made it to Edwards and Villa Koransky in time to do some laundryand rest.  

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