12 Aug 2006 Saturday

We didn’t get much sleep last night.  We’re both exhausted!  Theweather is horrible, gray, low clouds over the mountains.  

Haines is thesmallest town we’ve stopped at on our trip so far.  We drove down boththe major streets in town and got a few errands done.  We went to a grocerystore and found prices were a bit higher and selection was limited (notsurprisingly).  We found a place for breakfast, also a bit pricey, calledChilkat Restaurant and Bakery.  

We found out about a native dance company that performs Mon-Fri, very closeto where we are staying.  I’m not sure if we are going to stay around untilMonday or not.  The clouds broke once or twice and we saw some rugged, snow-cappedmountains surrounding the town.  I can see it would be beautiful if theweather breaks.  We had hoped to take a flight to Glacier Bay and take atour of the glaciers crashing into the water, but we can’t if the weather islike this.  

We went looking for a place for dinner.  The hotel where we are has arestaurant, but we wanted to see what else was available.  We comparedmenus and prices and ended up back to the Fort Steward Lodge andRestaurant.  The service was painfully slow, but the food was ok.  Itwas a weird little place that had a red velvet swing hanging from the ceilingthat was left over from the days when the Can-Can girls would performhere.  They also had a tradition of pinning dollar bills t theceiling.  It worked like this: you take a thumbtack and run it thru thecenter of a dollar bill, then add a quarter for weight, twist the bill aroundthe quarter and fling it at the ceiling.  One bill was spinning around onthe fan blade!  

We got back to our room and quickly realize that these walls have noinsulation in them!  We heard people talking in the rooms all aroundus.  I wonder how many people we disturbed last night when we came inaround 3am?

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