17 March 2006 Friday

We had a beautiful sunrise over White Sands this morning.  We broke camp early and hiked back to the truck.  We met some other folks in the parking lot also on Spring Break from Tucson, AZ.  They recommended Karchner Caverns near Tucson.  We’ve had several people recommend this place.  

Today we’re heading for Silver City, NM, just outside of the Gila (HEE-la) Wilderness.  It’s Andrew’s birthday and it’s hard to think of something special to do when you’re already on a great and wonderful adventure!  We stopped at visitor information in Silver City and  found an inexpensive motel called the Grey Feathers Lodge and called for reservations.  While looking for a restaurant and internet cafe for a Wi-Fi connection, we found the Silver City Brewing Company and an internet cafe called Rejuvenate, both in the nearby downtown.  Our plans were made.  

After checking email at Rejuvenate, we went down a few blocks to the Silver City Brewing Co. for a pizza and beer.  We liked the beer so much, we got a growler to go.  A growler is a half gallon bottle of tap beer, not always available in some states or counties.  But it’s available in New Mexico and we took one back to where we were staying.  Now for a relaxing shower and a birthday evening.  Wink [;)]

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