We woke to roosters crowing this morning. We visited for a while witheverybody and had to continue our journey.
We went off to the Oregon coast to Newport and the RogueBrewery. This is one of our favorite brewers of beers. Wearrived in Newport just in time for their 4pm brewery tour. Rogue is nolonger considered a "micro-brew". they produce too much beer. They are considered a "macro-brew". We saw several flavors thatwe haven’t seen before. Their most popular beers are "DeadGuy Ale", a tasty Maibock beer and "BrutalBitter", a cross between an IPA and ESB. We were impressed withRogue and how they recycle. Much of their waste barley grains after makingbeer is sent to farmers that use it as animal feed. They have alsorecycled used dairy pasteurization tanks from a bankrupt dairy for fermentingbeer. They can have 50 different beers fermenting at one time.
After the tour, we were in the gift shop looking at some t-shirts admentioned to the sales girl we were staying at Rogue’sB&B (Bed and Beer). he asked if we had checked in yet (No, wehaven’t) and gave us a Rogue discount card! This gives us 10% off thet-shirts we are buying and 10% off the room! Cool!
We went upstairs to the Tasting Room above the brewery. Of the 20 or sobeer they had on tap (all Rogue, of course) we found 8 that we haven’t triedbefore, two of which were high-gravity, Imperial ales. We got an appetizerof Kobe meat balls with bleu cheese (Blue Balls) and toasted beerbread.
We headed across the bay to Rogue’s Public House and the B&B. ThePublic House is the bar and restaurant downstairs and the B&B consists ofthree furnished apartments upstairs. We checked in at the bar and went tosee the room. Wow! We found a large one bedroom apartment with afull kitchen and even a washer and dryer! Score! We’re gettinglaundry done too! And in the fridge was two cold 22oz bottles of Roguebeer. We took them down to the bar to exchange them for our favoriteflavors- mine, Brutal Bitter and Andrew’s, Chocolate Stout. We got out thecomputers. found a Wi-Fi connection and got some work done with a goodbeer. We were across from a working fishing dock, with the smell of saltair and the sounds of seagulls coming in thru the open windows on the Pacificbreeze. With our recently acquired discount card, all this was only$75.00. Sweeeet!