We’re on the road again, heading north into Oregon. We made it toLebanon, OR and met Chris on his friend Martha’s 50 acre ranch. She hasseveral rhea(a small ostrich), sheep, rabbits and chickens. And two kids. Shehas her hands full. She purchased this ranch as an established ranch witha few other people, but things didn’t work out. She is now running thingswith her two kids, Kyle and Keegan, and her friend Leslie. The place hasgreat potential! Martha told us of an elderly lady who dubbed her the"Duchess of Neverdone", so we were jokingly referred to her ranch asthe Neverdone Ranch.
When we got there, we began a tour of the place, but Martha had to run intotown for errands, so Chris continued the tour. We took the ATV out tocheck out the large grass field and wooded acreage that’s all part of theproperty. Chris is having way too much fun on the ATV. All three ofus on the ATV was slowing it down quite a bit. We noticed the warning labelsto always wear helmets (we didn’t) and to never carry passengers (well, therewere three of us). The grass is about 5 feet high, hiding all the bumpsand holes. Fun ride! We were all covered in grass seedsafterwards.
Andrew, Chris and I opened up a bottle of Two-Buck Chuck and Leslie came outto join us. Martha was still out running errands, but she doesn’tdrink. When she did come in, we offered her a lovely cranberry juice,vintage Tuesday.