We just stayed around the house and relaxed. Andrew tinkered more with the chemicals in the hot tub, it’s still not right. Not much else happened.
We did go to the Minturn Country Club for dinner. They let you cook your own dinner and have a couple of grills set up for customers to use. For their $2.99 specials, they had a choice of steak, two types of marinated chicken, skewered shrimp, mahi mahi, and mussels (which were gone when we got there). We asked a waiter about the place. They do this $2.99 special every now and then, not on a regular basis, but it’s really popular. They usually have a better grand of steaks on their regular menu, Kobe and such, the salad bar is included and their prices are usually much higher. But they always have the cook-it-yourself thing going on. Dinner was pretty good and the place was packed.