19 March 2006 Sunday

As we were breaking camp to go, it started snowing on us.  We were earlyfor the guided tour, so we took a short 3 mile hike into the Wilderness in snowflurries.  We ran into 3 people (one was a teacher on Spring Break) whowere backpacking into Bear Canyon and Jordan Hot Springs.  There are lotsof hikes that we’d love to do, but we don’t want to spend too much time in thisarea now.  We’ll have to come back another time.  We met our guide forthe tour of the Cliff Dwellings, a volunteer from Ohio.  

After our tour, Andrew has heard about a beautiful drive on a dirt roadbetween the Gila Wilderness and  Aldo Leopold Wilderness areas.  We went through a small town to top offour gas tank and pick up a few onions at another store.  Getting freshproduce out here is a real challenge.  The little local stores just don’tget the demand to keep things fresh and there is no grocery store for 45 minutesto an hour away.  We went up FS 150 and found lots of campsites.  Wepicked one and called it home for the night.  It was very cold and snowedon us while we were making dinner.

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